Saturday, July 17, 2010

My 5 Minutes of Standup

So if you had ever read this before, (which you probably wouldn't have, that's totally cool! - Welcome) You may know I've been doing a radio show for the past 11 weeks with a friend of mine Tosh. It was a lot of fun and I'd like to thank SYN for allowing us to go on the air, anyway, here's the last show, which includes my mega challenge, which was to write, and perform 5 minutes of my own standup! Listen to the link to find out how it went :)

Download it Here! It's only about 30MB, do it at work or something if you're tight on d'loads.

I'll be honest and say I was absolutely shitting myself before I went on. I was about the 7th comedian on, behind a couple of duds and a couple of very funny blokes (the MC wasn't very good) I hadn't done much testing of the material, only tried my songs out on a few friends, so I didn't know if they were going to work or what sort of reaction I would get. Would I bomb or would I get laughs! And that was the thing I was stressing about most. Would I freeze when I got up there?
The funny thing I found was; I got laughs where I hadn't got laughs before, and didn't get laughs where I did! There were about 50 people there, so by no means a small crowd, and apart from some of my old school plays or when I used to be in a band, definitely the biggest crowd I've ever performed in front of (by myself anyway)

Standing up there, I couldn't see anything! Just a bright light and then black... And I could hear voices! So much for being polite to the performer. I was probably a bit quiet talking and singing into the mic, but hey, it went alright!
It was an absolute rush and I felt so buzzed after coming off stage, the guy asked me to do it again... Would I? Maybe. Need to write some new stuff and the first time around was stressful enough... We'll see.
Got any ideas for topics?

Hope you enjoyed listening to it as much as I enjoyed doing it!

Oh, Tosh and I have also got a facebook page. (become fans, it's totally worth it!)

Until next time.

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